GuthrieAmerica - Cody Stewart

Tell the world your name.

My name is Cody Stewart

Cody Stewart in post office in Guthrie Ok

Where were you born specifically?

I was born at Oklahoma Memorial Hospital In NE Oklahoma City on September 17, 1986 at 1:49 in the morning.

When did you move to Guthrie?

My parents, myself and 2 brothers moved to Guthrie on February 13th, 1997.

What's your favorite Guthrie-related memory?

That's a tough question. I actually have 3 favorites. I will have to go with getting married to the love of my life Samantha on October 19, 2007 at the train depot. My very first 89er’s experience. And, having the opportunity to be apart of the launch team for NORTH.CHURCH Guthrie back in 2016!

What's the best part about living in Guthrie?

Being apart of a community where everybody knows everybody.

What does Guthrie have that other towns don't?

We have a drive-in theatre. I'm sure there are very few left, especially in Oklahoma.

Are you a GHS alumni?

Absolutely. Class of 2006.

Cody Stewart in GuthrieAmerica tee shirt

If you lived here at some point and moved back why?

I have only moved here and that was in 1997. I haven’t left since.

Where do you currently work and how long?

I am the warehouse supervisor at Integrity Heat & Air, LLC. I just celebrated my 5 year anniversary back on February 3rd.

What do you love most about your job?

Being apart of a team and making sure things run as smooth as possible for the day to day operations that pertain to my position within the company.

What was your first job?

The first job I had was when I was 14 years old helping Chris LeGrande roof houses during the summer and any other break we had during the school year. This was a seasonal job that lasted through out high school and a few years after high school. I was not fired.

Do you have family here? If so explain...

Numerous family members throughout Guthrie and Logan county specifically. Way too many to go into depth. Much love to them all, they know who they are.

How did you first hear or learn about the GuthrieAmerica brand?

From Heady, about 4 years ago as he was wearing a red and white one.

Cody Stewart down town Guthrie Oklahoma

Why do you wear GuthrieAmerica tee?

I wear it because it catches the attention of people outside of the community and then it becomes a conversation starter. Also, I love representing the town I call home.

What are your favorite things to do in Guthrie?

Go eat dinner at Stacy's place and then catch a show across the street at the Pollard Theatre. I also enjoy going to Red Brick Nights.

How would you define what it means when you hear or say COMMUNITY WINS?

I would define this as we are better together than we are divided. Together we all win!

Anything significant about your life you would like to share?

Coming up on 12 years of marriage in October, to me that is pretty significant!

Lastly, we love SHOUT OUTS! Who do you want to give a shout out to?

I would love to give a shout out to my beautiful wife Samantha, my brother Mike and to my NORTH.CHURCH family! I love you all!

Wait, one more. What does it mean to CHOOSE GUTHRIE?

It means choosing to shop local, attend events and be in community with other Guthrie peeps.