Finding Your First Podcast To Listen To

With all the craziness around podcast these days, I would assume everyone as 1 or 2 that they have in rotation on their ride to work or at the gym or while walking the dog.

If you have yet to check out a podcast of any sort, here are 3 things to consider when looking for a podcast to listen to on your ride to work or at the gym or walking the cat.

1. Ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have similar interests. They may be able to suggest podcasts that they have enjoyed and that you may also enjoy.

2. Check out podcast review websites or forums to read reviews from other listeners. These can provide valuable insight into the quality and content of different podcasts.

3. Consider the podcast's ratings and the number of reviews it has received. A high rating and a large number of reviews can be a good indication that the podcast is worth listening to. It's also a good idea to read through the reviews to get a sense of what others like and dislike about the podcast.

Let me know when you have found your jam.

3 of my jams are...

1. How I Built This - Guy, the host, sits down with people who have built companies. I learn a ton from this podcast.

2. The Tim Ferris Show - Tim deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, sports, business, art, etc.) to extract the tactics, tools, and routines you can use. This includes favorite books, morning routines, exercise habits, time-management tricks, and much more. I listen to this podcast to make me feel smart.

3. Social Media Examiner - Social Media Examiner offers two weekly audio podcasts and a weekly live video talk show to help boost your marketing skills and keep you up-to-date with the ever-changing world of social media. Whether you're hungry for in-depth expert advice or want to keep up with the social media news of the week, you'll discover knowledge you need to make your business grow.

P.S. Yes, I have seen people walking cats.
