Entrepreneurs I'm begging you to start a podcast here is why

Podcast are about entertainment, information, and education. So, I’m thinking this trend presents an exciting opportunity for small businesses to reach a new audience and share their message in a unique and engaging way. In my crazy love for podcasting and being such of fan of entrepreneurs and small businesses I wanted to share a few reasons why small businesses should consider starting a podcast:

Super duper crazy cost-effective marketing tool: Podcasting is so an inexpensive way to reach a large audience. Now, it may take time but the potential is GIGANTIC! While there are some upfront costs (such as purchasing recording equipment and hosting fees), the overall cost of starting and maintaining a podcast is much lower than other forms of marketing, such as running ads or creating video content. I started mine with my phone.

You can use a podcast to build trust and credibility: By sharing valuable content and insights through a podcast, entrepreneurs can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. This helps to build trust and credibility with potential customers and clients, and can lead to increased sales and business growth.

Reaches a targeted audience: Podcasts allow small businesses to reach a specific and targeted audience. Many people listen to podcasts on a specific topic or in a specific industry, so by starting a podcast in your area of expertise, you can reach people who are already interested in your business or product.

I’m all about brand awareness and this is an easy way to increase brand awareness: A podcast is a great way to increase brand awareness and get your business in front of a new audience. By regularly publishing episodes and promoting your podcast on social media and other platforms, you can reach a wider audience and introduce more people to your business.

Looking for customer engagement: Podcasts allow entrepreneurs to engage with their audience in a more personal and interactive way. Listeners can easily leave comments and feedback, which can help businesses understand their audience better and improve their products or services. Engagement is so KEY.

So, are you ready to start a podcast?

Seriously, starting a podcast can be a powerful marketing tool for entrepreneurs and small businesses. It allows you to reach a targeted audience, build trust and credibility, increase brand awareness, and enhance customer engagement and probably some other things I just haven’t thought of yet – all at a relatively low cost. Remember, I started with my pone and anchor. If you're a small business owner looking for a new way to market your business and share your message, consider starting a podcast.

Let’s chat more about this. I love brainstorming with entrepreneurs and small business owners.

